Mixing Process and Policies

Before We Start

Typically, we will have a discussion about what your goal and vision is for this particular project. We will also discuss your budget. I can give an estimate if you send me a rough mix of your song and provide additional details. If you decide you'd like to work together, below is the mixing process.

Step 1: Pay a deposit for each song you'd like me to mix.

If we're doing a multi-song project, you may pay for each song as we go rather than paying deposits for every song up front. The deposit is typically 50% of my estimate, but other arrangements may be made depending on the nature of your project.

Step 2: Send me your files (if applicable).

If you recorded your song at home or at another studio, send me all of the audio and session files. I can open projects created in Pro Tools, Logic, Garage Band, and Audacity. Be sure to include the Audio Files folder and not just the .ptx file if you are using Pro Tools.

Step 3: I mix the song and send you a draft.

I can usually have a first draft within two weeks or sooner depending on my workload.

Step 4: You send me feedback.

The more detailed and precise your feedback is, the easier and quicker my job will be. Include time stamps for any specific spots you want me to tweak. If there's a specific effect you'd like but don't know how to explain, feel free to send me a link to a song that uses the effect and tell me where it occurs.

A lot of the time, the first draft will NOT be 100% what you want. But don't worry, this is normal, no matter how experienced your engineer is. We're not mind-readers, so it can take a little back and forth to hone in on the exact sound you're after.

Step 5: You pay this song's first draft invoice.

This invoice will be for the next 25% of the estimate. Please be sure to pay this invoice within 14 days in order to keep the project moving forward, unless we have mutually agreed upon other prior arrangements in writing.

Once I have received this payment, I will begin making revisions according to your feedback.

Step 6: I make revisions and send them to you.

This next version should be much closer to what you want, if not the final version. Occasionally there can be a couple of more minor tweaks if a song is particularly complex. I allow for unlimited revisions for all projects paid on an hourly basis.

Step 7: You pay the final 25%.

Once you're happy with the mix, you pay the last 25%.

Step 8: I send full-resolution, release-ready files.

Upon recepit of payment, I send you a high-resolution file that is streaming- and radio-ready as well as some alternate versions for flexibility. Now you are ready to share your music with the world!

Depending on your needs, I may also send an uncompressed, full-resolution file that you can give to a mastering engineer if you'd ever like to hire someone who specializes in mastering for the album.

(Repeat these steps again for additional songs.)

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